Learn skills.  Build confidence.  See results.

Lotus Learning is a boutique educational consulting company that offers comprehensive and personalized programs to meet individual student needs. We pride ourselves on the personalized attention that we can offer each student and family. Our ability to develop individualized, highly dynamic instruction to suit the needs of each student is the key to our success. Passionate about teaching and learning, we seek to provide the highest quality service to our clients.

Expert Tutors

All of our tutors are not only experts in their fields but also experienced teachers and academic coaches. Anna personally hires each new team member and provides training (both pre-service and inservice) that mirrors the company’s goals and outlook. Before meeting any clients, tutors receive information designed to provide a sense of how students learn, suggestions for designing instruction, ways to determine student goals and to assess accomplishments, and information about the company’s expectations from tutors. Anna offers continued support and access to a range of instructional resources to all tutors.

Meaningful Matches

At Lotus Learning, the strength of the student-tutor relationship is at the heart of what we do, and we work hard to make the best possible “match” between student and tutor. We then nurture these relationships with good humor and a gentle, “small steps” approach that leads students to build upon their successes. Each tutor individualizes instruction for each student throughout every learning session. The tutor then adjusts the pace and approach to ensure that the student understands each concept before proceeding to the next, and helps the student successfully march towards his or her goal. The results: maximum learning gains and increased self-confidence.

In-Home Service

Our tutors travel to your home, allowing students to learn in the very environment in which they typically work. In this setting, students are often more focused and engaged in the lesson. Together, tutors and students build an infrastructure for studying at home that best suits the students’ own preferences for learning. Tutors help students understand how to use their time more efficiently and their resources more effectively. Our experience shows that in-home tutoring enhances the productivity of the student, who can easily (and without disruption) continue where s/he and the tutor left off.


One-on-one tutoring sessions pack a serious educational punch. Although many people recognize the benefits of one-on-one tutoring, they may be unaware of its differential impact on students with diverse needs. To optimize tutoring results, we target the learning profile of each recipient, customizing each student’s learning objectives in conjunction with students and families, and when appropriate, teachers and counselors. Moreover, because our tutors are experienced teachers, they know how to adapt instruction to different learning styles and personalities; the result is a highly personalized process that accelerates productivity, learning, and growth.


One advantage to being such a small company is our ability to create and maintain open lines of communication among tutors, students, and parents. Anna communicates directly with families, soliciting their input and feedback and building a team-oriented approach to academic coaching. Tutors present observations and analysis in writing to Anna who provides guidance and suggestions regarding how to make each session more effective. After 10 sessions, parents receive a comprehensive “progress report,” complete with summaries of each individual session as well as student and coach reflections on progress made toward the learning objectives.