What are executive function skills?

The ability to (1) hold onto important information, (2) work with that information, (3) filter and censor thinking, (4) avoid distractions, and (5) switch gears are all tied to a complex set of processes in our brains. Collectively, researchers and scientists refer to these capacities as “executive function skills.” Some examples of executive function skills include: setting goals, planning, organizing materials, initiating tasks, and managing time.

No one is born with these skills, but we do have the capacity to develop them. Between late-childhood and early adulthood, learners have ample opportunities to exercise and establish executive function skills, which will have a life-long impact. However, the critical factors in developing a foundation for these essential skills rely heavily on the resources and relationships available to each learner.

Through executive function coaching, students learn to manage time, prioritize tasks, break long-term projects into small steps, keep track of papers, sustain attention on a single task and ignore distractions.

Why are executive function skills important?

In today’s competitive academic environment, it’s critical that students gain mastery of these skills. However, many students—including those who score highly on intelligence tests—struggle with one or more of these skills, which in turn, impacts their achievement, self-esteem, and motivation. Lotus Learning coaches provide students with the structure, strategies, and tools to develop these critical skills.

How can we help?

The goal of our executive function coaching services is to empower students to become independent, self-reflective learners. Coaching is a collaborative process in which the coach prompts the students to reflect on his or her own process (what’s working and what’s not), connect daily tasks to long-term goals, develop a “toolbox” of targeted strategies, and establish routines and habits that maximize their strengths.

Coaching helps students to:

Ultimately, executive function skills empower people to be healthier, happier, and more productive people. Our exceptional team members devote their greatest efforts to support the development of these skills that deserve much greater attention than schools or traditional education programs can provide. Because this kind of tutoring is exceptionally particular to each person, individual attention is an indispensable advantage.

We would love to offer a free consultation to you and your family to assess what your needs are and suggest some ways we think we might help with regards to academic support and/or organizational skills coaching.


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